Saturday, May 4, 2013

Key prophecies given to me: 2004-2010

Prophecy from church in Burlington- 2005- 18 yrs old
A lady speaking, she saw in my face, a countenance of peace and joy, a refreshing countenance
A real passion for God, so strong she felt like she was going to burst
“You hang on every word, you delight yourself in Him, and He delights in you as well.”
Sometimes you feel different from other people, that people don’t understand you, but God understands you, He’s made you a very special way, uniquely you.
I saw you as a sponge and you just soak up everything that God says, everything you read, that you hear about the Lord, that He speaks to you. But you’re a sponge that never reaches its saturation point, you just keep filling up and filling up.
Sometime in the future you may say, ok Lord, what do you want me to do with all of this that I’ve been soaking up, who do you want me to talk to, what do you want me to do with my life? But the Lord is saying just keep soaking up, you’re a sponge that will never be saturated. But there is going to come a day when you’re going to be so full and you’ll be out different places and the Lord will just touch the sponge and there’ll be some living water that comes out that will minister to people around you in a variety of different ways. It will be refreshing water. People will bump up against you as the sponge and the water that comes forth is going to refresh that person or minister to them or heal them or speak a word in season.”

God is going to use you in a church plant in a key way. You’re going to hear about it and its going to stir in your spirit and you’ll come along side people to start a new work somewhere. You’ll be a key person. I thought maybe you were going to be the worship leader or something, but I know it’s a church plant.”

“I see a vision of Satan really trying to kill your walk in God. You’re on round 2. You’ve been through a time when you could have said, I could leave this, like a desert. I saw Satan try to drive a knife right into your spine to stop you and paralyze you. And you’ve pressed through that, you didn’t let it stop you. You’ve redecided to press into God. God’s been teaching you that Satan’s not in control. Job said, “NO PURPOSE OF GOD CAN BE THWARTED.” God’s written over you, “No purpose of Mine can be thwarted in Hillary.” You’ve seen what your part is, to believe God. You’re coming into a time where God is going to use you. You have a period of training coming up, a period of activation. I see the door opening, you’re going to begin to really have an entrance into people’s hearts. Don’t be bashful or backward. Walk right in, it will be an open, effective door. God is going to begin to use you now. You passed the test. Most of this Christian life is about passing tests. God waits for that. He did it with Abraham, He does it with us. You’ve gone through this thing, you could have gotten mad, you could have stopped your walk or let this thing paralyze you, but you didn’t.”

“One of the things when I saw you here last night, I looked at you at the immediate word I got was, “Capacity.” There’s nothing you can’t do, no challenge you can’t meet. God has given you the stuff. From a personality stand point, He’s given to you in your soul, your emotions, you’re smart, you have the ability to unravel things quickly. Even with that capacity, you wonder if it’s enough, that’s a constant question in your life. Is it enough? Is a gallon enough? Is 5 gallons enough? Is 5 min. of prayer enough, one hour of study enough? You have these nagging questions of performance around your life of is it enough? God says I’ve given you amazing capacity, I’ve given you all that you need. You’ve found yourself coming to the end of yourself in a number of different settings, yet it’s like when your gas gage gets down, you feel like your light’s on, but you’re continuing to drive. And you’re not running out. It doesn’t make sense in the natural, yet we’re continuing to go. There’s going to be a part of your life that you would love to be marked by excess, yet God says I’m going to take you to the light coming on many times and show you what’s really in  reserve, what’s in capacity. God’s going to call you to step out in faith. You’re going to find yourself out there in a number of different times in your life. It’s not going to be situation to situation, it’s going to be a lifestyle of faith. You’re going to be one of those that’s going to go out there and live on the edge. “Play on the edge, less crowded, better view.” It really describes the life of faith. Most people don’t want to get that far out there in how they live their life. There’s almost a pioneering spirit inside of you. You’re the kind of person that doesn’t accept the status quo, you’re like I’ve got to find out for myself. I’ve got to go see it, I’ve got to put my feet there, I’ve got to touch it, I’ve got to experience it. You’re a kinesthetic learner, you can’t just take someone’s word for it. You’ve got to show me, and I’ve got to go. You’re going to be going for most of your life. But you’re not going to run out. God is many times going to supernaturally meet you at the very last moment. Enjoy it, don’t fight against it. Sometimes you fight against it, you struggle against some of the places. You say, God why can’t it just be a little easier, why can’t I have a little more notice, God says just work with it. Creative things in you. You’re a tremendous communicator. You have a real gift of communicating in writing. I think in years to come there are books that He’s going to want you to write. In the meantime, whether it’s a blog or a lengthy email, you have a gift with words. God wants you to continue to use that and develop it as much as you can. You’re going to be surprised in Spain, its not what you expect. You’re going to pick up another clue there. Your life is like a scavenger hunt, from place to place you pick up clues. It’s a lot of fun. What a fun young lady. It’s enough, it’s enough, in Jesus name.”

01/12/2008- Prophecy at ZHOP in Charlotte
“You are like Miriam in Exodus 15:20. You will dance before the Lord, you are a prophetess in that sense because your dance will be a prophetic dance, a dance of deliverance and joy”
“In wars in the Old Testament they would send out singers and dancers first as the trumpet call to start the war they were the ones that fought the first battle. The Lord is going to use that in you to declare the things of the Lord and make war with dance.”

Sept.2012- from Jessie Zecharias in IHOP-KC prayer room
"Hillary, I don't think it was coincidence that we ran into each other tonight. I have never come to this set, and usually don't dance, but the Lord had something else planned tonight. Your dancing provokes me to go deeper in my own intimacy with Jesus. Your confidence is clearly out of an overflow of a completely give-to-God heart. When you were first dancing, it looked like you were striking flint, starting small fires in the Spirit, and now, when you're dancing with the blue-green scarf, I can see that it is making waves in the Spirit. Your faithfulness is apparent. Thank you for continuing to steward your dancing for the Lord. I truly feel that He is using you in remarkable ways. I got Isaiah 63:2 for you, "Why is your apparel red, and Your garments like one who treads in the winepress?" Even though this verse is clearly about Jesus, it reminds me of the fruit of actively walking in the righteousness bought by His blood--You can see it. Bless you!" Jessie

Song of Songs 1:15- “You have dove’s eyes, it means you’re focused on one thing. The Lord sees your heart, even though you feel like you have so many distractions, he sees that your heart is focused on him.”
“Let her see as you see God, that you see her heart and that she is focused on you and that all the distractions would fade away.”
Song of Solomon 2:14- “The Lord loves to hear you speak to him, to sing to him. He loves to see your face, to come to him. There’s a gracing on your life to encounter Him in the secret place.”
Prayer: “You love her voice and her face, it moves heaven. You have authority on your prayers, you have a voice in heaven. What you feel is a small prayer here on earth echoes in the heavenlies and moves the heart of the King. The power of your voice, it delights you to answer your daughter.”

08/08/2010 Catch the Fire Church

A vision of me like an Indian chief woman on a horse going out to slay beasts and bringing home the game and providing a big feast that satisfies. I’m going to rest well because it is a long work day. That’s all I can remember spoken to me, but I understood this prophecy as a word for FEI at IHOP, that I’ll be warring in the spirit realm against spiritual giants and will be victorious and will rest well while I’m there, which was my main fear/concern about the living situation I’ll be in there, sharing a room with someone and having 2 other roommates. There was also a young man there I prophesied to and strangely he looked a lot like my brother. The words he spoke encouraged me and I felt like the Lord was reaffirming that he hears my heart cry and prayers, but it’s not up to me, that I’m not responsible for his salvation. The verse in 2 Cor 10:1-5 had come to mind and I felt like the Lord was reminding me to continue to appeal to him with gentleness and meekness.

Rebuilding the walls
A longing for Jerusalem

IHOP-KC: A word from Kaytee Brown

1 Samuel 1- A double portion. Prayer out of deep joy and sorrow. Hannah’s desire was so strong it caused her great distress
Isaiah 54:5-6
No more shame or disgrace, no fear of being uncovered

The words sheath and covering (tallit-what a husband covers his wife with)
Root meaning of sheath (from
  1. razor
  2. sheath (of a sword)
  1. Making naked, emptying. A razor (a naked, thin plate, making the skin bare) Numbers 6:5, Isaiah 7:20. A writer’s pen-knife, with which he sharpens his reed, Jeremiah 36:23
  2. The sheath of a sword 1 Sam 17:51, Ezekial 21:8,10, Jer 47:6. The sheath is an empty shell without the sword
“Do not be discouraged, don’t overexert yourself, rest in the Lord, He is your Shalom.

First day of FEI at IHOP-KC

You’re like a stone in the bag of David. It was all about you with the Lord on the mountaintop and he broke the tip off and it rolled down the mountain. You’ve been tumbling and rolling. You’ve gone through a season that was hard. The stone rolled into the river and you’ve felt stuck on the bottom. When the rain came again the river moved and took you along. He’s been bringing you closer and closer to himself for him to pick up and put you in His bag, for it will come time to rise up and shut the Phillistine’s mouth! You were raggedy and jagged when picked up from the stream and He’s smoothing you into a stone, you’re becoming artillery, Hillary!
I heard missions, in Chile, Peru, Brazil. Some of the most precious gems/stones come from the mountains of these countries.

Prophecy at Laurie’s house

Acts 19:2- Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?
“I believe that God has equipped you, that He’s given you a mighty gift, the gift of discernment. Other people walk in suspicion but God has given you the gift of discernment, the discerning of spirits. God is inviting you to come higher in that gift, because right now you can only discern as much of the Scripture as you understand. I believe God is getting ready to, as you receive more and more of the Holy Spirit that you received when you believed, that He’s going to equip you and take you to higher levels because He needs you to discern both good and evil. To do that you’re going to be in like Holy Spirit school. He’s going to ask you to do things that He doesn’t ask everybody else. He’s going to ask like, here you fast this many days this way, read this much of the bible this many days in a row. God is going to, the book that comes to mind is Reese’s Howell’s (?), an intercessor, because that man walked by power of the Holy Spirit and God had unique things for him to do. The gift that God is giving you is so valuable to the church because it’s such a weighty gift. Most people just walk in suspicion and fear, but God is going to build you up and gird you up through the Scriptures that you will be able to hold this gift. God thank you for the gifts that you’ve given to Hillary, a mighty woman with a mighty calling. I pray Lord, help her that the enemy would never be able to trick her. I pray Lord as she grows in this gift that she would walk cautiously before you because this gift is so lacking in the church. I bless her body to carry it, her mind, her heart and her emotions. I pray Lord, shut it off until you turn it on. That would she would not be judging people, but that instead when you turn it on she would be able to rightly divide what it is you want her to say or do.”- Laurie Ditto

Isaiah 43:18- the picture He gave me when I was praying for you was the woman that was caught in adultery and the Lord was drawing the line as she was standing before her accusers and the Lord was standing in front of her. I feel like you’re set apart and that sometimes you’re segregated off from other people and there are a lot of accusations that come against you. The interesting thing is when the Lord was writing in the sand there’s been a lot of speculation about what he wrote but the thing that came to my mind is when he was rebuking Satan and he said, “It is written”. When the Lord writes something, it’s written and it’s done. I feel like whatever He’s written over your life is a done deal and He’s going to fulfill it. He’s calling you forward into a whole new way of thinking and life for you, and he’s calling you out of the accusations, out of the things the enemy has tried to throw against you, and into a place of revelation of the power of God in your life and the love of God over you. That you’re entering into something that you’ve never dreamed of, that you couldn’t of dreamed of in your wildest days. He has a promise for you, that out of you will be rivers of life coming, from the very throne of God. I feel like you’re the Holy Spirit encounter person that’s going to be in places, that the power of God, the Holy Spirit will break forward and cause a shaking in the places. I feel like He’s going to send you because you know what it’s like to be standing alone, you know what it’s like to be in a place that others don’t understand. The Lord is going to use that powerfully to stand there as a witness before God and His power is going to fall in that place and cause a great trembling, a great shaking. And it’s going to unearth a lot of things in people’s hearts. It’s something God has ordained to cause them to look inside themselves, in their own hearts and see what they need to change. He’s using you as a messenger of change and you’re going to be one who is, Holy Spirit is your best friend, walking side by side to bring forth the revelation of a God who is powerful and who loves deeply and who will not put up with the accusations. He will turn the accusations around and cause a people to come to their God with holy trembling and fear. I think you’re going to be used in that way.” –Mike Ditto

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